
Guzumping…. Gazundering…. What are they and how do you avoid it?

You spend months looking for the perfect property in the right location, you make your offer which is accepted and you start mortgage process. It should be as easy at that shouldn’t it? Wrong…… More and more contractors are reporting to us they have been gazumped.   Gazumping occurs when a buyer’s offer on a […]

Guzumping…. Gazundering…. What are they and how do you avoid it? Read More »

Polling Station sign on brick wall

What are the political parties saying about mortgages?

In preparation for the upcoming general election on 4 July, it is crucial for voters to be well-informed about the housing and mortgage policies proposed by each political party.   The issue of housing, including mortgages, has taken centre stage in the election campaigns as homeowners have faced challenges due to high house prices, soaring

What are the political parties saying about mortgages? Read More »

Blackboard with a wooden house and Buy to Let written in chalk

Contractor Buy to Let – All you need to know

Are you a contractor looking to purchase an investment property?   Many contractors utilise a property portfolio as part of their retirement plan. In today’s blog, we will explore the concept of a Buy-to-Let Mortgage (BTL).   This type of financing enables contractors to acquire property with the specific intention of renting it out.  

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Will interest rates fall?………. And when?

Last week the Bank of England announced I had maintained the interest rates at 5.25% for the seventh consecutive time. In May, UK inflation reached the Bank’s target of 2%; however, it is anticipated that rates will remain unchanged until the Bank is assured of the stability of price increases.   Consequently, analysts speculate that

Will interest rates fall?………. And when? Read More »

Explore you options written on wooden blocks

What types of mortgages are available as a contractor?

When embarking on the journey of purchasing a new home or remortgaging as a contractor, the multitude of mortgage options available can often be overwhelming.   Are you inclined towards a fixed rate mortgage, where the monthly repayments remain constant, or a tracker mortgage, which offers the potential for lower repayments but with the possibility

What types of mortgages are available as a contractor? Read More »

Newspaper showing a table with swap rates and a pen

Swap Rates – What are they and why you should take an interest

There’s always talk about swap rates in the current volatile climate, but what are swap rates and how do they affect your mortgage rate options? If you are a contractor looking to buy a property or remortgage in the coming months swap rates directly impact the interest rate you will be offered.   There are

Swap Rates – What are they and why you should take an interest Read More »

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